Celebrating wins is often not prioritized in the work place — not because we like being hard on those we work with, but because somehow psychologically, we associate “celebration” with big events in our lives (e.g. a birthday, wedding, etc.).

According to Harvard Business Review, “celebrating small wins stimulates dopamine release in the brain, a feel-good chemical that reinforces the learning experience and strengthens our sense of connection to those we work with.”

Scientifically, celebrating small wins can make a big difference in the workplace so let’s remind ourselves to do more of it.

How to Celebrate Wins to Build Resilient Teams

The most successful people make achieving goals look easy. However, their journey to success probably required a certain level of resilience. What helps them get to where they are often comes down to the way they define success and that ultimately helps them push through their challenges.

Finding small things to celebrate at the workplace can be challenging. However, if we define success as anything we do that aligns with our values, purpose and intention, we can identify these small wins more easily and in a genuine way.

As a leader, it is important to get to know what your team’s values are, what you are set out to do and your intention behind your goals. (For more tips on goal-setting, check out our post on “Goal-Setting for Success Beyond SMART Goals.”) Try keeping a journal of all the small wins you witness through time and share them with your team.

As a team, here are some easy questions you can reflect on together to celebrate your small wins.

This exercise will help your team associate their positive thoughts and emotions with their actions, which will help to identify their values, purpose and intention.

Of course, you can tweak these questions however you’d like. It is highly encouraged that you think of creative ways to do this exercise and do it in a way that aligns with your team’s culture. Make it fun and remember, there are no right or wrong answers!

  • What went well in the past [quarter, week or year]?
  • What felt good about the situation?
  • What did you do?
  • How does it align with your values, purpose and intention?

Prioritize Celebrating Wins

As you move forward with setting goals, don’t forget to celebrate the small wins! Use this time as an opportunity to reflect on all the things you’ve accomplish and start to make it a habit. This will help boost your team’s engagement and resilience over time.

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Celebrating Small Wins for Big Impact