High Potential Program
For Organizations

The "Lead As You Are" High Potential Program

Losing a top-performing employee can cost you thousands of dollars to replace them. It is no wonder that retaining top talent is your priority!

At Leadership Resilience, I help organizations like yours strategize and put together high potential programs.

Every program is customizable but at the core of it, I help your employees lead with more authenticity and engagement. I guide them to identify a leadership style that feels authentic and fulfilling to them. I help them lead in a more effortless way so they can continue to perform without burning out.

As a part of the program planning, I can help you to:

A Typical High potential Program Includes:

Energy Leadership Index (ELI) Assessments

Each individual will receive their own ELI assessment and debrief. Click here for more info on the ELI.

Workshops Available to choose from

Individual and Group Coaching

Each individual will receive 1:1 coaching to help them work towards their development and performance goals.

We will identify a theme for each group coaching session where the group can learn from each other and build a community.

Cost of each program will depend on the scope of work. 

To schedule a consultation call, fill out the form at the bottom of the page or send an email directly to Sherwin@Leadership-Resilience.Com!

For a sample of a training guide, download a free copy here!

Book a free strategy call today!

45-minute consultation

Download this free guide to find more clarity in your goals today!*

*You will also be receiving leadership resources regularly!